Pathway studio analysis of proteins whose genes were analysed in the study by the gene array analysis and qPCR

Pathway studio analysis of proteins whose genes were analysed in the study by the gene array analysis and qPCR. Arrows indicate interaction. Mitochondria (yellow), cell membrane (red) and nucleus (blue) are indicated to support localization of the various proteins.
Pathway studio analysis of proteins whose genes were analysed in the study by the gene array analysis and qPCR


The role of NFκB in spheroid formation of human breast cancer cells cultured on the Random Positioning Machine. (2018) Sascha Kopp, et al. Sci Rep. 2018;8:921. Figure: F7.

Gene mentions

Organism Group Word Match Source NCBI Symbol NCBI ID
Homo sapiens Primates MMP9 MMP9 ncbigene_symbol MMP9 4318
Homo sapiens Primates ADM ADM ncbigene_symbol ADM 133
Homo sapiens Primates TIMP1 TIMP1 ncbigene_symbol TIMP1 7076
Homo sapiens Primates TMED1 TMED1 ncbigene_symbol TMED1 11018
Homo sapiens Primates ACTG2 ACTG2 ncbigene_symbol ACTG2 72
Homo sapiens Primates HMOX1 HMOX1 ncbigene_symbol HMOX1 3162
Homo sapiens Primates CASP3 CASP3 ncbigene_symbol CASP3 836
Homo sapiens Primates ALDOC ALDOC ncbigene_symbol ALDOC 230
Homo sapiens Primates BCL2 BCL2 ncbigene_symbol BCL2 596
Homo sapiens Primates Marcks MARCKS ncbigene_symbol MARCKS 4082
Homo sapiens Primates NFKBIE NFKBIE ncbigene_symbol NFKBIE 4794
Homo sapiens Primates NFKBIA NFKBIA ncbigene_symbol NFKBIA 4792
Homo sapiens Primates CASP8 CASP8 ncbigene_symbol CASP8 841
Homo sapiens Primates CASP9 CASP9 ncbigene_symbol CASP9 842
Homo sapiens Primates DDIT4 DDIT4 ncbigene_symbol DDIT4 54541
Homo sapiens Primates PFKFB3 PFKFB3 ncbigene_symbol PFKFB3 5209
Homo sapiens Primates PFKFB4 PFKFB4 ncbigene_symbol PFKFB4 5210
Homo sapiens Primates IKBKG IKBKG ncbigene_symbol IKBKG 8517
Homo sapiens Primates PGM1 PGM1 ncbigene_symbol PGM1 5236
Homo sapiens Primates PARP1 PARP1 ncbigene_symbol PARP1 142
Homo sapiens Primates FOS FOS ncbigene_symbol FOS 2353
Homo sapiens Primates FOS FOS famplex_relations FOSB 2354
Homo sapiens Primates FOS FOS famplex_relations FOSL1 8061
Homo sapiens Primates FOS FOS famplex_relations FOSL2 2355
Homo sapiens Primates RELA RELA ncbigene_symbol RELA 5970
Homo sapiens Primates C15orf48 C15ORF48 ncbigene_symbol C15orf48 84419
Homo sapiens Primates CTGF CTGF ncbigene_synonym CCN2 1490
Homo sapiens Primates TMED10 TMED10 ncbigene_symbol TMED10 10972
Homo sapiens Primates TMED10 TMED10 ncbigene_synonym TMED10P1 286102

Chemical mentions

Word Match MeSH Name ChEBI

Disease mentions

Word Match MeSH Name DOID